Dust Collector


Bunkar Makina, we are experienced in preventing emissions and environmental pollution. You can contact us for detailed information about dust collector systems. Many dust particles, smoke or gases are released into the air during production in industrial facilities such as industry and factories. This resulting dust, smoke and gas seriously affects both the environment and human health. Every business is responsible for the health of its personnel.

This type of dust particles, smoke or gas that comes out adversely affects human health. If the necessary precautions are not taken for the people working in this environment, it will be inevitable to experience serious diseases such as the lung and respiratory system. Therefore, dust collector systems should be used. We aim at high quality, advanced technology and reasonable price in the production of dust collection Systems, which is our field of activity. These systems are designed by expert engineers and produced by us.


Dust collector machines are a system that is used to collect harmful dust in industrial areas such as medicine, food, plastic, metal, packaging, ceramics and paper manufacturing. Many different models of these systems are available. Choosing the right one for your business is of great importance. This system performs the filtering task bybunkar-makina-dust-collector1separating the harmful dusts emitted into the air at the time of manufacture into qualities such as particle size, type and mass. Many different models of these systems are available. Choosing the right one for your business is of great importance.

Bunkar Makina; produces quality filtering products for the collection of harmful dusts that arise in areas such as food, medicine, packaging, ceramics and spread into the air. This system performs the filtering taskby separating the harmful dusts emitted into the air at the time of manufacture into qualities such as particle size, type and mass.

These systems are needed in industrial production areas to remove visible or invisible dust particles from the environment. These systems collect the harmful dust, smoke or gas released to the environment and pass it through a filtering stage and quickly remove it from the field of activity. In addition, the system needs the filter cage factor to provide good performance. There are many different systems on the market.

Smaller systems use a single stage vacuum unit to create suction and filter the air. The waste material is then drawn into a propeller and begins to accumulate in a container or barrel. More systems use a dual-stage mechanism that separates larger particles from finer dust using a cyclone or a box before the air passes through the impeller. The use of such systems is of great importance in providing suitable conditions for personnel and equipment working in industrial workplaces. Dust collector systems make a great contribution to maintaining clean air.


Dust collector systems are used in industrial, commercial areas and even in the home environment today. It provides a significant improvement in breathing air quality in such gas and smoke emitting environments. This system used greatly improves the air quality. It fulfills the role of removing an existing harmful particulate matter. The correct operation of such systems is of great importance. It also has many uses. It is important to know the main components of these systems before they are used.

These systems are; a blower to blow the air, a filter bag to help filter harmful dust particles, a filter cleaning system to keep the flow going, an easily removable dust container and a dust removal system. Especially filtering systems are very important for these machines. Choosing the right filters has a great impact on obtaining the expected efficiency from the machines. There are many types of filtering available today.

Today, these systems are widely used in many fields. As Bunkar Makina, we always offer the best to our valued customers. The areas where dust cleaning systems are most preferred are as follows:

  • Foundriesbunkar-makina-dust-collector2
  • Raw material facilities
  • Factories
  • Industries
  • Cement industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Steelworks
  • Dust from plasma laser cutting machines
  • Paint Shops
  • Aviation industry
  • Agriculture sector
  • Chemical industry
  • Plastic and packaging industry
  • Ceramic plants
  • Wood and timber facilities
  • Automotive industry
  • Iron and steel facilities
  • Places producing tires
  • Filling companies
  • Smelting businesses
  • Welding companies
  • Grinding companies

Dust collector systems have many uses. It is very important to use such systems and machines in industrial places. It is an important issue to keep the air clean and not to deteriorate the health of the employees.


Dust collector machines, which are one of the most important structures of ventilation systems, are preferred in many areas today. Every business, especially places that emit heavy smoke into the air, must use these systems. Failure to clean and remove harmful substances that arise in the production area in any way causes serious problems for the field of activity or the workplace. Working under excessive smoke causes serious health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to use such ventilation systems.

One of the biggest problems of many factories and industries is the smoke and dust that comes out during production. These dust and fumes cause serious damage to the employees and then to the environment. Choosing the right filter bag is an important issue when using these systems. It is important that these bags are suitable for the system used. Because when the wrong selection is made, the machine used may not work correctly.

Bunkar Makina always works to offer you the best with our quality services. Such systems are used in industrial areas as well as in homes. Household machines are also available. The important thing is to choose the most suitable and right machine for your business or home. In order for the production activities in industrial areas to continue without interruption, we have an expert team within our company that offers you the highest quality service. A special planning is made for your business by our expert team. With this planning, the most suitable system is produced for each company. Dust collector systems used in industrial areas are as follows:

  • Jet pulse bag filter
  • Jet pulse cartridge filter
  • Water filter
  • Cyclone
  • Vibration motor filter
  • Oil mist filter
  • Mobile filters.

All the above filtering systems are designed and offered to you in the best way by Bunkar Makina. It is important to use these systems in industrial areas.

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